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  1. Huai Y, Wang X, Mao W, Wang X, Zhao Y, Chu X,Huang Q, Ru K, Zhang L, Li Y, Chen Z, Qian A*. HuR-positive stress granules:Potential targets for age-related osteoporosis. Aging Cell. 2024Mar;23(3):e14053. doi: 10.1111/acel.14053. Epub 2024 Feb 20. PMID: 38375951;PMCID: PMC10928564.

  2. Dang K, Gao Y, Wang H, Yang H, Kong Y, Jiang S,Qian A*. Integrated metabolomics and proteomics analysis to understand muscleatrophy resistance in hibernating Spermophilus dauricus. Cryobiology. 2024Mar;114:104838. doi: 10.1016/j.cryobiol.2023.104838. Epub 2023 Dec 12. PMID:38097057.

  3. Huai Y, Wang X, Mao W, Wang X, Zhao Y, Chu X,Huang Q, Ru K, Zhang L, Li Y, Chen Z, Qian A*. HuR-positive stress granules:Potential targets for age-related osteoporosis. Aging Cell. 2024Mar;23(3):e14053. doi: 10.1111/acel.14053. Epub 2024 Feb 20. PMID: 38375951;PMCID: PMC10928564.


  1. Wu Z#, Hu L#, Ru K, Zhang W, Xu X, Liu S, Liu H, Jia Y, Liang S, Chen Z, Qian A*. Ellagic acid inhibits CDK12 to increase osteoblast differentiation and alleviate osteoporosis in hindlimb-unloaded and ovariectomized mice. Phytomedicine. 2023 Jun;114:154745. doi: 10.1016/j.phymed.2023.154745. Epub 2023 Mar 6. PMID: 36931096.

  2. Pei J#, Tian Y#, Ye W#, Han J#, Dang Y, Cheng T, Wang W, Zhao Y, Ye W, Huangfu S, Li Y*, Zhang F*, Lei Y*, Qian A*. A novel recombinant ORF7-siRNA delivered by flexible nano-liposomes inhibits varicella zoster virus infection. Cell Biosci. 2023 Sep 12;13(1):167 (中科院2区, IF: 7.5)

  3. Gao S, Yang W, Xu M, Zhang H, Yu H, Qian A*, Zhang W*. U-MLP: MLP-based ultralight refinement network for medical image segmentation. Comput Biol Med. 2023 Sep 9;165:107460. doi: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2023.107460.

  4. Zhang K, Qiu W, Li H, Li J, Wang P, Chen Z, Lin X, Qian A*. MACF1 overexpression in BMSCs alleviates senile osteoporosis in mice through TCF4/miR-335-5p signaling pathway. J Orthop Translat. 2023 Mar 15;39:177-190. doi: 10.1016/j.jot.2023.02.003. PMID: 36969134; PMCID: PMC10036500.

  5. Qiu W#, Lin X#, Yang S, Chen Z, Zhang K, Yang C, Li Y, Miao Z, Deng X, Duan X*, Qian A*. MACF1 deficiencysuppresses tooth mineralization through IGF1 mediated crosstalk betweenodontoblasts and ameloblasts, Genes & Diseases. 2023.

  6. Han J, Na R, Zhao N, Yuan X, Fu L, Jing J, Qian A*, Ye W. Macrophage-Targeted Dextran Sulfate-Dexamethasone Conjugate Micelles for Effective Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis[J]. Molecules, 2023, 28(2): 591.

  7. Yang C, Tian Y, Zhao F, Qian H, Liu Z, He C, Li H, Li Y, Miao Z, Qian A*. Microtubule actin crosslinking factor 1 functions as a novel therapeutic target in lung metastasis of osteosarcoma[J]. Genes & Diseases, 2023, 10(2): 325.

  8. Zhao Y, Deng X, Tan S, Zhang J, Han J, Wang X, Pei J, Li H, Deng X, Yin C, Yin D, Tian Y, Qian A*. Co-Polymer Carrier with Dual Advantages of Cartilage-Penetrating and Targeting Improves Delivery and Efficacy of MicroRNA Treatment of Osteoarthritis. Adv Healthc Mater. 2023 Jan;12(6):e2202143. doi: 10.1002/adhm.202202143. Epub 2022 Dec 25. PMID: 36511367.

  9. Cao T, Lu Y, Wang Q, Qin H, Li H,Guo H, Ge M, Glass S E, Singh B, Zhang W, Dong J, Du F, Qian A, Tian Y,Wang X, Li C, Wu K, Fan D, Nie Y, Coffey R J, Zhao X. A CGA/EGFR/GATA2 positivefeedback circuit confers chemoresistance in gastric cancer. The Journal ofclinical investigation. 2022, 132, (6), e154074.

  10. Dang K, Jiang S, Gao Y, Qian A*.The role of protein glycosylation in muscle diseases. Molecular biologyreports. 2022.

  11. Su P, Tian Y, Yin C, Wang X, Li D,Yang C, Pei J, Deng X, King S, Li Y, QianA*. MACF1 promotes osteoblastic cell migration by regulating MAP1B throughthe GSK3beta/TCF7 pathway. Bone. 2022, 154, 116238.

  12. Tian Y, Zhao Y, Yin C, Tan S, WangX, Yang C, Zhang T D, Zhang X, Ye F, Xu J, Wu X, Ding L, Zhang J, Pei J, Wang XT, Zhang R X, Xu J, Wang W, Filipe C D M, Hoare T, Yin D C*, Qian A*, Deng X*. Polyvinylamine withmoderate binding affinity as a highly effective vehicle for RNA delivery.Journal of controlled release: official journal of the Controlled ReleaseSociety. 2022, 345, 20-37.

  13. Wang X, Tian Y, Liang X, Yin C, HuaiY, Zhao Y, Huang Q, Chu X, Wang W, QianA*. Bergamottin promotes osteoblast differentiation and bone formation viaactivating the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway. Food & function. 2022, 13,(5), 2913-2924.

  14. Yin C, Tian Y, Li D, Yu Y, Jiang S,Hou Y, Deng M, Zheng K, Zhang Y, Deng X, Chen Z, Miao Z, Hao Q, Li Y, Qian A*. Long noncoding RNA Lnc-DIFinhibits bone formation by sequestering miR-489-3p. iScience. 2022, 25, (3),103949.

  15. Yang C, Tian Y, Zhao F, Huang Q, LiuZ, He C, Li H, Li Y, Mao Z, Qian A*.Microtubule actin crosslinking factor 1 functions as a novel therapeutic targetin lung metastasis of osteosarcoma. Genes & Diseases. 2022.

  16. Lin X, Xiao Y, Zhang K, Yang D, MiaoZ, Deng X, Chen Z, Qian A*.Knockdown of Macf1 Inhibits the Migration and Cytoskeletal Arrangement ofPre-Osteoclasts Induced by Simulated Microgravity[J]. Acta Astronautica, 2022,190, 149-159.

  17. Chen Z, Huai Y, Chen G, Liu S, Zhang Y, Li D, Zhao F, Chen X, Mao W, Wang X, Yin C, Yang C, Xu X, Ru K, Deng X, Hu L, Li Y, Peng S, Zhang G, Lin X, Qian A*. MiR-138-5p Targets MACF1 to Aggravate Aging-related Bone Loss. Int J Biol Sci. 2022 Jul 18;18(13):4837-4852. doi: 10.7150/ijbs.71411. PMID: 35982896; PMCID: PMC9379396.(生物学SCI 2区)(IF: 7.666)

  18. Huai Y, Mao W, Wang X, Lin X, Li Y, Chen Z, Qian A*. How do RNA binding proteins trigger liquid-liquid phase separation in human health and diseases? Biosci Trends. 2022 Dec 26;16(6):389-404. doi: 10.5582/bst.2022.01449. Epub 2022 Dec 3. PMID: 36464283.(生物学JCR Q1,IF: 9.083)

  19. Patil S, Hu L, Zhu C, Xian CJ, Qian A*. Editorial: Development, metabolism, senescence and mechanotransduction of bone. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2022 Dec 8;10:1103581. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2022.1103581. PMID: 36568978; PMCID: PMC9773981.

  20. Zhao, X., S. Patil, A. Qian* and C. Zhao. Bioactive compounds of Polygonatum sibiricum-Therapeutic effect and biological activity[J]. Endocrine, Metabolic & Immune Disorders-Drug Targets (Formerly Current Drug Targets-Immune, Endocrine & Metabolic Disorders), 2022, 22(1): 26-37.

  21. Huai Y, Chen Z, Deng X, Wang X, Mao W, Miao Z, Li Y, Li H, Lin X, Qian A*. An integrated genome-wide analysis identifies HUR/ELAVL1 as a positive regulator of osteogenesis through enhancing the β-catenin signaling activity. Genes Dis. 2022 May 13;10(2):377-380. doi: 10.1016/j.gendis.2022.04.022. PMID: 37223513; PMCID: PMC10201595.(遗传学SCI 1区top)(IF: 7.376)

  22. Dang K, Farooq HMU, Dong J, Yang H, Kong Y, Wang H, Jiang S, Gao Y, Qian A*. Transcriptomic and proteomic time-course analyses based on Metascape reveal mechanisms against muscle atrophy in hibernating Spermophilus dauricus. Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol. 2023 Jan;275:111336. doi: 10.1016/j.cbpa.2022.111336. Epub 2022 Oct 22. PMID: 36280225.


  1. Bai D, Feng H, Yang J, Yin A, Lin X,Qian A, Sugiyama H. Genomic analysisuncovers prognostic and immunogenic characteristics of ferroptosis for clearcell renal cell carcinoma. Molecular therapy. Nucleic acids. 2021, 25, 186-197.

  2. Bai D, Feng H, Yang J, Yin A, Qian A, Sugiyama H. Landscape of immunecell infiltration in clear cell renal cell carcinoma to aid immunotherapy.Cancer Sci. 2021, 112, (6), 2126-2139.

  3. Feng R, Patil S, Zhao X, Miao Z, Qian A*. RNA Therapeutics - Researchand Clinical Advancements. Frontiers in molecular biosciences. 2021, 8, 710738.

  4. Hu L, Yin C, Chen D, Wu Z, Liang S,Zhang Y, Huang Z, Liu S, Xu X, Chen Z, Zhang Y, Qian A*. MACF1 promotes osteoblast differentiation by sequesteringrepressors in cytoplasm. Cell death and differentiation. 2021, 28, (7),2160-2178.

  5. Li D, Liu J, Yang C, Tian Y, Yin C,Hu L, Chen Z, Zhao F, Zhang R, Lu A, Zhang G*, Qian A*. Targeting long noncoding RNA PMIF facilitatesosteoprogenitor cells migrating to bone formation surface to promote boneformation during aging. Theranostics. 2021, 11, (11), 5585-5604.

  6. Ma X, Tian Y, Xue K, Huai Y, PatilS, Deng X, Hao Q, Li D, Miao Z, Zhang W, QianA*. Kaempferide enhances antioxidant capacity to promote osteogenesisthrough FoxO1/β-catenin signaling pathway. European journal of pharmacology.2021, 911, 174555.

  7. Wang H, Liu J, Kong Q, Li L, Gao J,Fang L, Liu Z, Fan X, Li C, Lu Q, Qian A*.Cytotoxicity and inflammatory effects in human bronchial epithelial cellsinduced by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons mixture. Journal of appliedtoxicology : JAT. 2021, 41, (11), 1803-1815.

  8. Wang H, Zhang W, Liu J, Gao J, FangL E, Liu Z, Xia B, Fan X, Li C, Lu Q, QianA*. NF-κB and FosB mediate inflammation and oxidative stress in the blastlung injury of rats exposed to shock waves. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin(Shanghai). 2021, 53, (3), 283-293.

  9. Xu X, Liu S, Liu H, Ru K, Jia Y, WuZ, Liang S, Khan Z, Chen Z, Qian A*,Hu L*. Piezo Channels: Awesome Mechanosensitive Structures in CellularMechanotransduction and Their Role in Bone. Int J Mol Sci. 2021, 22, (12),6429.

  10. Yin C, Tian Y, Hu L, Yu Y, Wu Z,Zhang Y, Wang X, Miao Z, Qian A*.MACF1 alleviates aging-related osteoporosis via HES1. J Cell Mol Med. 2021, 25,(13), 6242-6257.

  11. Yin C, Tian Y, Yu Y, Li D, Miao Z,Su P, Zhao Y, Wang X, Pei J, Zhang K, QianA*. Long noncoding RNA AK039312 and AK079370 inhibits bone formation viamiR-199b-5p. Pharmacol Res. 2021, 163, 105230.

  12. Zhao X, Patil S, Xu F, Lin X, Qian A*. Role of Biomolecules inOsteoclasts and Their Therapeutic Potential for Osteoporosis. Biomolecules.2021, 11, (5), 747.

  13. Zhao X, Patil S, Qian A*, Zhao C. Bioactive Compounds ofPolygonatum sibiricum - Therapeutic Effect and Biological Activity. Endocrine,metabolic & immune disorders drug targets. 2021, 22, (1), 26-37.

  14. Chen Z, Zhang Y, Zhao F, Yin C, Qian A. Mir-138–5p Negatively RegulatesOsteoblast Differentiation through Inhibiting Β-Catenin under SimulatedMicrogravity in Mc3t3-E1 Cells[J]. Acta Astronautica, 2021, 182(2002), 240-250.

  15. Huai Y,Zhang W, Wang W, Dang K, Jiang S, Li D, Li M, Hao Q, Miao Z, Li Y*, QianA*. Systems pharmacology dissection of action mechanisms for herbs inosteoporosis treatment. Chinese Herbal Medicines. 2021, 13, (3), 313-331.


  1. Chen Z, Zhang Y, Zhao F, Yin C, YangC, Wang X, Wu Z, Liang S, Li D, Lin X, Tian Y, Hu L, Li Y, Qian A*. Recombinant Irisin Prevents the Reduction of OsteoblastDifferentiation Induced by Stimulated Microgravity through Increasing β-CateninExpression. Int J Mol Sci. 2020, 21, (4),1259.

  2. Chen Z, Zhao F, Liang C, Hu L, Li D,Zhang Y, Yin C, Chen L, Wang L, Lin X, Su P, Ma J, Yang C, Tian Y, Zhang W, LiY, Peng S, Chen W, Zhang G, Qian A*.Silencing of miR-138-5p sensitizes bone anabolic action to mechanical stimuli.Theranostics. 2020, 10, (26), 12263-12278.

  3. Dang K, Zhang W, Jiang S, Lin X, Qian A*. Application of LectinMicroarrays for Biomarker Discovery. Chemistry Open. 2020, 9, (3), 285-300.

  4. Gao Y, Patil S, Qian A*. The Role of MicroRNAs in Bone Metabolism and Disease. IntJ Mol Sci. 2020, 21, (17), 6081.

  5. Gao Y, Dang K, Zhang W, Liu F, PatilS, Qadir A, Ding A, Qian A*. A 1,8-naphthalimide-[12]aneN(3) derivative forefficient Cu(2+) recognition, lysosome staining and siRNA delivery. Colloidsand surfaces. B, Biointerfaces. 2020, 185, 110607.

  6. Gao Y, Huangfu S, Patil S, Tang Q,Sun W, Li Y, Lu Z, Qian A*. [12]aneN(3)-based multifunctional compounds asfluorescent probes and nucleic acids delivering agents. Drug Deliv. 2020, 27,(1), 66-80.

  7. Huai Y, Zhang W, Chen Z, Zhao F,Wang W, Dang K, Xue K, Gao Y, Jiang S, Miao Z, Li M, Hao Q, Chen C, Qian A*. A Comprehensive Analysis ofMicroRNAs in Human Osteoporosis. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2020, 11, 516213.

  8. Li D, Yang C, Yin C, Zhao F, Chen Z,Tian Y, Dang K, Jiang S, Zhang W, Zhang G, QianA*. LncRNA, Important Player in Bone Development and Disease. Endocrine,metabolic & immune disorders drug targets. 2020, 20, (1), 50-66.

  9. Liang S, Hu L, Wu Z, Chen Z, Liu S,Xu X, Qian A*. CDK12: A PotentTarget and Biomarker for Human Cancer Therapy. Cells. 2020, 9, (6), 1483.

  10. Lin X, Chen Q, Xiao Y, Gao Y, AhmedI